TMI about sex (4 months pp)


So, I'm 4 months postpartum now. (Perfect quick and easy delivery with 2nd degree tear). At my 8 week pp exam my Dr cleared me for sex and spoke with me about birth control. After that day, my hubby and I tried to have sex, I just couldn't bare the pain!!! Burning, pulling, stingy, vaginal pain. I start crying and decide to try again in a few days. Same problems. Stingy, hot, burny, pain. We decided to cool it for awhile because it was almost traumatizing for me to deal with it. Well, tonight we decided to try again... I took a glance at myself in a mirror down there (believe it or not for the first time since giving birth) and it doesn't look right... I have my urethra, then like a weird pocket? Then my vagina.. but my vagina looks all bloody red (but not bleeding) I kind of touched it and started feeling the burning sensation again, it feels raw!! Why do I have a weird pocket down there and why isn't my vagina healing? I'm just a little freaked. I have a pap end of august.