TMI, pp question!

Madi • Mama of 2 🌿 Artist. Nature. Salt Lake. Moonwoman 🌙

Hey mamas-

TMI question!

Pp bleeding, how much is normal? I have been bleeding pretty intensely for the past 3-4 days. My LO is only 8 days old but the bleeding seemed to clear up a bit when I fist left the hospital. I thought I was possibly moving around too much, so I have been taking it easy but the bleeding is still pretty hardcore. And I am cramping.

I called my OB office and they told me not to worry unless I bleed through a pad within an hour of have really large clots. I still feel like I am bleeding SO much though, I have small clotting and my pads are pretty full but I don't bleed through them, like not into my underwear so I don't know 😭

This was my first pregnancy so I'm not sure what I am supposed to be expecting.

Thank you 💕