Our One Year Anniversary


I'm just writing on here because I need to vent and idk I'm pretty isolated from my friends right now.

Yesterday was my one year anniversary with my boyfriend. I had to work 11-9 and work karaoke night at the restaurant where I waitress. Karaoke night is the worst night of the week. While at work, I had Delivery Dudes pick up a sandwich and flowers for my boyfriend. He was bad about texting me back. Like, really bad. I found out that his friend who I HATE (because she's an inconsiderate, selfish bitch, not because I don't trust them together) had just invited herself over to hang out with him. And he didn't want to be rude to her, so he wasn't texting. Anyone. Including me, his girlfriend, on our anniversary, while I was working the worst night of the week. He texted me for a little then stopped again, a little later he explained that he was working on a surprise for me. Sweet, right? Apparently the surprise was him just going over to her house (they're moving and giving away a bunch of shit), and getting me some cute plates. And ignoring me for another two hours to hang out with her.

When I got home, he hadn't cleaned the room which I had really hoped he would do or made the bed. And, like, bed making is a thing in our relationship that HE started. He didn't have sex with me on our anniversary and he knows that I need sex to feel loved. And I know that he was just jerking off (something that he knows makes me uncomfortable) and doing nothing and hanging out with this chick on our anniversary while I was busting my ass and I fucking hate it. I didn't really want it to be something special, but I didn't want it to suck so much.