What should I major in?


I'm 19 and plan on starting college next spring. Ever since I was little my passion has been writing stories. I'm writing a book now and plan on trying to get in published, I know the chances of me being able to make a living off writing are slim.. I don't want to major in English because I don't want to be a teacher or work at a publishing company... for awhile I wanted to major in Hospital Admin and one day open up my own nursery home, however my heart still calls for becoming an author, and I don't want to spend years of my life studying something I'm not set on. I have no idea what to do with my life and it's depressing to think I could write a book I love but it'll never get on a shelf. Everyone who reads my stories says i have a gift, that I need to follow it... but I'm a pessimist and feel like I'll never make a career out of it. Advice?