Bitchy friends

I'm 22 and in a long-term relationship (4+ years) that am very happy in. It's a very happy and healthy relationship and my family/friends love him and us being together. My boyfriend and I aren't big partiers. We don't like to go out too much and we also don't drink that often. We have always been this way even before being together. Two of my closest friends are single (one has been single for a long time and the other recently broke up with her long term boyfriend). They both like to drink a lot more than I do and will go out to bars, parties, etc. pretty often. They often (especially the one who has been single for a long time) make jokes about and/or to me about how I don't like to get drink a lot, or about how I'm "boring" or a "grandma" just because I don't like to go out the way that they do. I do go out for a drink or two with them, I just don't like to stay out all night and get drunk and I don't like to go out to bars super late with large crowds. I always make time to see them and hangout with them almost every time they ask. It's just starting to bother me and make me feel bad, like they think I'm a joke just because I don't like to live like a lot of other people my age. Am I wrong for feeling this way or are they wrong for doing this? I just need some advice :(