He thought I would have a problem with that

Before I get started, I'm going to make it clear that the cat is not ours. It was his uncles. If you want to be mad about a cat not getting fixed, don't be mad at us for it.

He said the cat got out one time and got pregnant.

Well she had 5 kittens and he needed help homing them.

My so found them all homes. But got a call from someone and then put the phone down and said "I have to tell you something and I don't think you're going to like it" and I was like "uh, okay"

And he told me his ex girlfriend was coming to pick up one of the kittens.

Lol there is nothing about this that I have an issue with.

Like, the cats just need homes. Did he expect me to be like "YA UR EX GIRLFRIENDS CANT HAVE KITTENS FUCK UR EX GIRLFRIENDS" 😂😂😂😂 oh my god okay ill stop.

Anyways she's shows up, the only thing she is even focused on was the kitten and she cried when he gave it to her and was immediately obsessed with it, got in her car and drove away. Didn't even say bye 😂

He's still acting like he thinks I'm mad. I find this hilarious. I told him I'm not mad but I'm not going to tell him again or he'll think I'm mad does that make sense? Lol

All the girl wanted was the cat, she got her cat and left. Idk what he thinks I think.