Made out and now I'm really sick ??

Hey guys ! I made out with someone for the first time and it was great, but three days later(yesterday) I got kind of a sore throat, but I haven't been getting a lot of sleep so I thought I would just sleep it off. Then today I woke up at 4am and couldn't even fall back asleep until hours later. its so swollen and painful, now there are white patches, really swollen and irritated tonsils, its really painful to swallow(I can feel my tonsils), I am tired but I can't sleep(zero energy), my forehead is pretty hot, my skin hurts to touch and I almost fainted in the shower because Ive been so cold and took a hot shower so I think it shocked my system.

He didn't seem sick or anything. I upped the dosage on my anxiety medication yesterday could that have worsened anything? I also work at a fast food place and touch a lot of money and am around a lot of people for a couple days a week. And If that's not enough information I'm on my period. 😩 Has this ever happened to you? Could it be mono?