
Hi ladies! I'm new to all of this. My husband and I have been TTC for 2 years and we just now started seeking professional help. In the past I've had abnormal uterine bleeding, highly irregular cycles, no ovulation, and the list goes on and on. My OBGYN put me on BC, prenatals, and folic acid to help my body prepare. At first I was so confused because I wanted to become pregnant, so why put me on birth control? Then we came to realize after countless pelvic examinations, 2 EMBS, and an HSG test, that I have PCOS and do not ovulate on my own and have a somewhat thick uterine lining. yay -_- (not!) So with me being on BC I have had a steady cycle for months. Once my husband came back from deployment my OBGYN put me on Clomid and gave me instructions on what to do and when to do it and we went from there. This was my first round of Clomid and it was during the 2nd week of this month. Now I'm just kind of bummed and concerned because I was expecting to ovulate more with the Clomid; but I didn't ovulate once. We checked every day, and I knew as soon as I got off BC my "normal" cycle would be screwed :/ The worst thing about all of this though, is that we are being sent to a new duty station. And with telling my OBGYN and primary care physician this they basically told me to just forget about seeing a fertility specialist and to just wait until after we arrive at our new duty station. BUT, my OBGYN gave me another round of Clomid to take again AND she added progesterone as well. But the thing is, she didn't really give me any information on when to take what or anything -_- so I'm just in the mind set of "well what now?". I guess all in all, I'm just in need of some advice and a little bit of direction of what to do lol. Any thoughts/suggestions/advice would be greatly appreciated! :)