*Super long.* could I be pregnant after two negative test?

Sarah Noemi

A little history.. from the moment I got my period is was irregular. It never came on time and I didnt have a set cycle. It came and went as it pleased and stayed longer than it was wanted.

I was tested multiple times for endometriosis and cysts always came back negative and I had a healthy uterus. 🤷🏽‍♀️

Now that I've gotten older I've been able to predict my period with the way my body feels and I can tell if it's coming or not.

Me and my boyfriend aren't super obsessed with becoming pregnant, we're kinda letting things happen if they do. We both want kids so if I am pregnant we will both be happy and excited of course. I'm not really tracking my ovulation days, were just having sex and going with the flow. I'm not on birth control, we don't use condoms and we don't pull out. We've been doing this for about 3-4 months. It was his decision to stop stop using protection and because I have baby fever I agreed. Plus I new it wasn't going to happen right away.

this month I had this overwhelming feeling if I'm going to get pregnant this month. I've never felt that way before ever and I couldn't shake it. 😩😩

My last period was June 1-16

I missed my period according to the app and waited for it to show, it hadn't, I also had clear discharge that turned white and became mucusy. This was on and off for a week, I tested and got a faint Line (blue test) (7/10) two days later I tested again (blue test) (7/12) and got a negative. Many women on here told me to test again using a red dye test. I did that following Monday (7/17) and got another negative so I figured I was out this month, no biggie.

The next day (7/18) I started what I thought was my period but I was wrong. I was spotting from the 18-25. Off and on some days a little heavier some a little lighter. Along with the spotting I had light cramps and still had mucus like discharge. I've never just had spotting and no actual flow. It was also all dark blood. And some fresh here and there. The 26th the day after I stopped spotting, I wiped and the tissue had a pink tint to it. (Figured that'd be good to note) and I continue to have the thick discharge. By the way there is no foul odor from the discharge. (I had an STD before and I get scared when I see discharge and smell it to make sure there's no strong odor or smell)

Along with spotting, lights cramps, mucus like discharge I've had increase appetite, I'm literally constantly eating I wake up starving, and if I don't eat I get intense headaches, my boobs have been sore the last two days, I've been more tired than usual. I'm naturally a tired person, but lately I've wanting to take naps (I hate napping) but find myself dosing off after simple tasks, I don't work but I do take care of my grandparents and my mom part time (who has cancer). I've also been forgetting things a lot more than usual and I'll lose my train of thought easily.

Could I pregnant even after two negative pregnancy test? Ive been wanting to go to the doctor but I haven't had much time given my situation. Can anyone shed some light on my situation and give me some advice, or if you experienced something similar. I have one more test in my drawer and I plan on testing in a few days, but it's nice to talk to women who have more experience with this stuff.

Thank you for reading, god bless and baby dust to you all. 💕✨