Dear Haters

None of you ever believed in me but look where I am now.... Dear bullies, you tormented me for years... you pushed me into lockers, beat me up, called me names but that was before I realized I didn't have to put up with your shit. You are both worthless and are probably jealous about the things I have going for me. Now you see me on the hallways... you would never dare to push me again now would you? Because you know I'll push back ten times harder. Don't try to drag me down. I'm not the same girl I used to be. Dear Ex Best Guy Friend/Crush, oh the things you put me through. You knew I had a huge crush on you but you proceeded to use that to your own advantage because you knew I'd do anything for you. I cut my hair, lost weight, started wearing makeup, started swearing, and wore "fancier" clothes to impress you. But that was never enough. You continually led me on. Then you got yourself a girlfriend but still remained good friends with me but once your girlfriend broke up with you because you always talked to me, you cut me out of your life. You can't imagine how hard it is to lose someone that important to you for no good reason. I let you go, pretended not to be heart. But as soon as I got a boyfriend, you came crawling back.. oh how the tables have turned. Maybe I should d the same thing you did to me... believe me, I've thought about it... but I won't because unlike you, I care for all people... even those who have hurt me. Dear Ex BFF, you turned on me quicker then someone could snap their fingers. All because some girl told you a lie about me.... and you believed her over me... her... how could you?? After being best friends for 6 years... it is still unbelievable that you did that. It broke my heart because I thought you would have known me well enough to say that I would never do the things he was saying.... but whatever... I'm better off without you in my life. I just hope you know that girl you believed over me... she call you an ugly rat behind your back, and that's the nicest thing she says about you. Haters, I wish each and everyone of you the very best. Have a wonderful life without me♡