Help... pregnant and he asked for a divorce

I posted the day it happen (he wants to leave) .... on Sunday of last week my husband of 8 years asked me for a divorce. I was completely blind sided. We actively tried to get pregnant. I'm just over 9 weeks. We're not perfect. We definitely had big issues. He cheated a few years ago. We a decided that if we could not work things out on a certain timeline we would separate. We'll things happened and we were not able to finish marriage counseling. But we kinda just moved on. I thought we were ok. We bought a house. He said he loved me. Said he was so happy to be married to me.

Back in march he started to have cold feet about having kids. I told him if he didn't want kids that was fine but he needed to let me know asap. Because children were important to me and I would find someone who also wanted children.

He took his time and came to me saying it was just cold feet. End of April I went off bc... I tracked and told him what days were important. On our second cycle it worked,

I'm pregnant! I was so excited. I told him on Father's Day. He seemed happy too,

We were laying on the couch last week with the dog, cuddling and I asked "can you image the baby in the middle of this" and he said "sounds perfect"...

How do we go from that to this? I'm so torn up. I don't want to lose my family. Three weeks ago we were choosing colors for the nursery… now I don't know now where I'm going to raise my child. He was awful tonight. He said he honestly thought it would be better if I got an abortion. I don't know why suddenly he doesn't want to love me or our baby anymore.

He said he's willing to go to counseling. He feels like it's an obligation. I don't know if it'll help. I told him he also needs individual counseling. I honestly think he suffers from depression. My heart hurts so much right now. I feel stress and anxious all the time. I just don't want to lose my family. I feel like he stealing my happily ever after away. I don't want to be a doormat. I don't want him to hurt me again.
