Am I just being crazy?! Please help!


I am due in October with our first child (yay!) my husband tells me last night that his work is having a week-long retreat that he has to plan- he is a exec at a start-up and they do these retreats for the employees every year since everyone works remotely... anyways- he said he "hoped" he could get it early September or November "so he wouldn't miss the baby"..... WTH?! I freaked out- I can't believe that he is even considering going on a trip for a week within the last month of the pregnancy! I feel like he is putting work at the same level of importance as the birth of his first born... I can't believe this is even a question!

Am I wrong here? How do I even approach this issue with him?! Please help!

** update since I'm not the best with details 😂**

My husband is a founder of the company- there are two other founders so the retreat will happen with or without him

It has to occur within the 4th quarter of the year for funding/budget reasons

I had some issues early on in pregnancy- but my bed rest was lifted about a month ago- so I'm not high risk- but still nervous

The retreat is currently being planned in another state- probably around a 4-5 hour drive, now that could change- it could be anywhere -- the employees literally live all over the country

We don't have family any closer than a 2 1/2 hour drive away from where we live-

Hopefully that helps the confusion! 😊