Stay at home moms

My boyfriend makes enough to support our household and we are expecting our first baby, a girl. He said I can quit my job after baby girl is born and stay at home with her and just be a stay at home mom which I want to do but idk if I want to be or not. I can't fathom the idea of someone else watching my baby while I'm at work and would love to just be home and bond with her. Are any of you start at home moms? How do you like it? Pros and cons?

Please note that my boyfriend and I have been together for 3 years, planned this baby and plan on getting engaged next year and married by the following year. We've lived together for almost the 3 years we've been together. We have quite a bit saved and he is a manager at his job. Yes, things can happen and we have a plan if things don't work out.