I'm not sure how to feel


I feel like im just here. I just wanted to sleep this past weekend and upcoming week away. I came back from Cali this past tuesday from my bf family reunion and I got my period Tuesday morning, I've been miserable ever since. Last time I spoke with my bf he said he wasn't coming over which was Wednesday, because he wanted to stay home and spend time with his mom after our trip from cali, he later told me gn and that he loves me and hopes I feel better I said ty and that's it. On Saturday he texts me and says that his. brother is home from prison and he loves me. I didn't respond at all, all I could think was I haven't heard from you since Wednesday and he was telling me he wasn't coming over after I asked what time he was coming over that day. Here we are 4 days later and the only contact I've had with him was him texting my business partnet and myself about a vending opportunity that I didn't respond back about and an then there was a small mini banter on FB about my post about me feeling alone and stressed, he sent me a kitten photo I sent a gif of a guy getting kicked and a fuck you gif. Now here I am on Sunday night still alone in my room where I just woke up after sleeping the day away again. I want to see him but I don't want to ask again because I know right now I'm not on his list of what or who's important. idk if I'm being extra or if it's my period or if he's really too busy right now or what, mind you we spend a lot of time together and talk to each other at least every day. this is the longest we be really haven't spoken or seen each other and we've been together 10 years, I feel lost without him but I feel like im begging to be with him but he doesn't really want to be with me. this isn't the 1st time I've asked about us seeing each other I'm always the one to ask . HELP