Not Sure How To Feel

I'm going to visit my mom in a couple of days and while I'm excited to see her, a lot emotions have come up in these days leading up to it. She left my dad for reasons I don't know and moved away and it's caused me a lot of hurt and anger. I feel angry at her because she never told me why she left my dad and if I ever expressed being upset or mad about it, she downplayed it and made it seem like I was wrong for feeling that way and I'm hurt because she seemed like she was in a hurry to move away, and even though she said leaving me was the hardest thing she had to do, she sure didn't hesitate. I'm also hurt that she started dating a month after she moved away and expected me to be okay with it (I was also so upset about it that I didn't talk to her for 3 days). I'm excited for this trip and I want to see her, but I'm just not sure how to feel about her. I love her, but there's a lot of pain. I'm also not sure if I can emotionally handle this trip.