For all you ladies TTC!


I feel like I need to share my story.

I'm 23, been with my partner for about 18 months. Together for a year solid, took 6 months apart and been back together for 2 months.

I've always had issues with ovulation and very bad periods and been under gynie for a few years now.

Me and contraception don't get along so I've been contraceptive clean for around 4/5 years.

Even though we have never used any contraception, Me and my partner decided about 6 months into our relationship we'd like to try and have a baby.

After religiously monitoring my periods and ovulation we had no luck. I tested for ovulation from the day me period ended to the day it started and I just did not ovulate.

Not only that but I had my partner tested and he had a very very low sperm count and we were told that with both his and my problems we would never conceive naturally.

Below is a test I took this morning...

after being apart for 6 months, yes we've been sex mad. But we haven't really done anything different. He stopped drinking DR PEPPER and we had sex during my time of the month and when I say time of the month yes I mean period..

But I'm fuckin pregnant. We have defied all of the odds!

Try it! For someone who hasn't has a positive ovulation test for 18 months I haven't done too bad.

Wishing you all the baby dust!!!