Online relationships is it worth it?

So one day I thought I would try this dating app I was bored and lonely ( not dirty):) and wanted to message guys. I don't want to sound stuck up but a lot of guys messaged me. You could say I'm pretty. Well this one guy messaged me and all he wanted was nudes. All I wanted was a good convo. I just started joking around with him. ( I'm very sarcastic ) then I gave in and gave them. I hated myself for giving in and so I was mad but we kept talking after the pic. He knew I was upset about then she was just started to talk every day and he really sorry for asking he says I changed him idk how. How convo never seem to end. We have been talking for a month now. And it's really unhealthy I think since we live in other states and he even says he loves me! Which is really hard to belive I know!! And foolish really. He just told me his mom has cancer and hasn't texted in me in four days and my fingers itch to text him every minute but don't.

What should I do

- get over him stop texting him just not worth it

-text him and keep whatever it is going

- idkk just tell me your thoughts

Thank you if made this far!