Oh my goodness, I have a biter!! ☹️

Shelby • Married to the man of my dreams on 7/7/14! 😍 Our little princess was born December 1st, 2016, and our prince was born on 07/17/2018 ❤️❤️

My baby girl will be 8 months old on the 1st, and I have breastfed her from day one. Never have given her formula, nothing. And she's a great breastfeeder! She's latched really well, and when she was first born, nurses alwaaaaays gushed on how well she did with breastfeeding! She's my first baby. And about three weeks ago, she cut her first two bottom teeth (they're still growing in), and about a week ago, she has started biting me! It's getting worse too. Like at first, I was trying to feed her, and I guess she was done, didn't want any more, so she bit down. I immediately pushed her off of me and said "ow! No biting mommy!". Today has been horrible! Every time I feed her she bites me. Whether it's in the beginning when I first try, or at the end. I always push her away and say "biting mommy is bad!" And she always laughs at me! I don't know what to do. I'm feeling pained, and I don't know how to stop it. Please mammas, help me 🤕☹️