Stopping my period

🐻clare • 🐻🐻🐻

So I am on birth control for my period I use it to control it because when I can't I throw up am horribly bloated have horrible cramping and so on and so on 😭😭🙄🙄🙄 but my question is can I just never take the inactive pill in my birth control pack I have looked up if this is safe but every site is talking about delaying my period and I want it to stop until I want to have kids I talked to my doctor before I went on vacation and she said it was okay to delay but I really just want it to stop until I get married and want to have kids ya know is in your opinion is it safe ps I am not sexually active all I truly want is for my period to stop I also feel like with this method if it is safe I could save money not have to buy pads and tampons or menstrual tea and ibuprofen ya get me 😂😂😂 my period has been a burden for years and I need a break to focus on more important things and not revolve my whole life around it 🖖🏾🖖🏾