

I wanted to share my story in case there is someone out there experiencing something similar. me and my husband have been TTC for almost 2 years now. about a year ago I went in for a check up to see if everything was ok.  at that time my then doctor diagnosed me with endometriosis and suggested that I have a laparoscopy so that he could have look. I had two cyst on both of my ovaries about 6cm and 4cm. I asked if I could have a few days to discuss with my husband. we discussed and both agreed it was something to consider, but I had a few more questions for the doctor before I said yes. during my next visit I vocalized my concerns and the doctor proceed to say that "if he saw something there that he could not save, that he would just take everything out" 😟

That was a red flag for, at the time I was 26 and I knew that this couldn't be the end of our journey to starting a family.

I have since seen three different doctors and until my current doctor no one was able to help me.

It took me another year and half before I found the right doctor and it was almost too late. The doctor found 10cm cyst on both of ovaries and I had fibroids. I went to see the doctor on a Monday and by Thrusday I was in surgery for 7 hours. The endometriosis had speard. My bladder and uterus was stuck together and I had to get my appendix removed. I'm not sharing this to scare you but to encourage you, if you don't feel right with a decision from one doctor, please keep trying until you feel 100 % comfortable with their diagnois and treatment.

I am still recovering, but my doctor said once she gives me the green light to go for it!! So please keep us in your prayers and stay encouraged that this is not the end for you!