Looking for a cycle buddy


L • Mrs. Z

Hi! I'm Lorna. I'm 34 (35 in September) and ttc#4. My other 3 kids are (all boys) ages 17, 16, and 12 (next month 13) years old. My fiance and I are trying to conceive his first child. My AF is due August 10. Just had my preconception visit yesterday. I've been trying since January when I removed my nexplanon birth control. But in July I started using opks and pre-seed. We are hoping to conceive quickly but my fiance is going to have a semen analysis done. Hoping we are pregnant so we don't have to do infertility treatments. My SO is 40. I'm also obese and am trying to lose weight so I can have a healthy comfortable pregnancy.

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Posted at
Hi Lorna, my name is Toya. I'll be 36 next month ( September). This will be baby # 4 for me as well. My new husband and i have been ttc for 6 months. He's 46. I'm over weight as well. Best wishes to you and your family


Posted at
Hello I'm 31 I have 2 kids 10 and 2 this is my 2 month after removing my bc in may. I have been cm checking haven't starting temping or test for ovulation religiously but I feel I may soon lol my af is due the 12th


💗Pinkie💗 • Aug 8, 2017
My daughter is 10 we call her Izzy for short it's Elizabeth and my son is 2 we call him Bubba he's name is Richard


L • Aug 8, 2017
Do you have boys, girls, or one of each?


💗Pinkie💗 • Aug 8, 2017
Also I'm 280 from 380+