Feel bad to say this, but I am over being pregnant and all these aches


I tried so hard to get pregnant after 2 MCs and I told myself I would embrace everything about pregnancy. Well I lied. Around 18 weeks my feet started swelling daily, to the point I couldn't wear anything but flip flops and I even got stretch marks above my ankles. I also thought I sprained my foot because it hurt to step on it-turns out it was just from hormones. I also developed plantar fasciitis and ankle problems. Now I'm 38w3d with a large breech baby and due for a c section in 5 days. My left rib is killing me, I can't get comfy or turn easily. My feet are constantly throbbing and swelling, my left arm keeps going numb and my side of my jaw is hurting and feels like it's out of socket - oh and I think I pulled a muscle in my va-jay-jay trying to get out of bed today. I am done. Over this. I feel like he's dropped a lot the past 2 days and I'm worried he will try to come sooner than my scheduled c section which is also freaking me out because I chose my Dr I want to preform the c section and he wasn't available any sooner. 😫😳😩 RANT OVER