Need help with wedding planning 💒

Jessenia • #powerlifting couple #3furbabies & 4 in heaven #22&ttc

Hey ladies kind of long but when I was a girl about 14 my father got deported he got his residency taken away, being Mexican at 15 you turn from a little girl to a señorita. my older sister had her 15 with her bff (our cousin) I dreamed of mine and my big dress/father daughter dance. All hell broke loose and I lost my dad... I met the man I want to marry he proposed for my birthday last month and today my mom saw his ring finally came in (had to be resized) and that we both were wearing ours etc. She was like omg you guys are really doing this huh? congrats! so pumped and brought up the fact that we should do it in Mexico bc it's be cheaper. Well my hubby said yes I've been thinking that I want both of her parents there she deserves it :') we are going to have so much support and from all the cost it's not even going to be $3000 for a big beautiful wedding I'm so so happy but I want to know if you who've had weddings have bought the items or rented? there's Linens from like $0.70 online ! I am seriously thinking about just taking stuff from here to Mexico? but then don't know when I would use it or what not any experience, advice, tips?