Not knowing how to feel about this..

Morgan • MMJ💁🏽‍♀️. Married💍.

Me and my husband have been married for almost 2 1/2 months know each other for about 3 almost 4 years..

a quple nights ago he came home from work and wanted to talk. I said ok, he told me about him and this guy at work talking about money. I recently just quit my job but have been applying for more. He told me last week that if I didn't want to work I could just stay home and cook and clean he was fine with that. I told him idc to work I just wasn't happy where I was at. So back to a few nights ago e told me him and a guy he works with was talking and the guy told him that Their wasn't no reason for me to keep out bank card if I didn't have a job. And that Eric ( my husband) shuld just leave me a little cash very once in a while, I have always took care of the bills and our money. I never spend money on myself and Eric knows that everything dollar that is spend is either grocerys or bills.. with him making 620$ every two weeks and having about 300$ taken out for the bills that don't leave much and plus he's a smoker so that's almost 50$ and then grocerys about 100$ every two weeks.. he acts like I just spend the money on stupid stuff, and all it's spent on is bills. So he's decided from now on he wants to keep the bank card and he don't want me to get any money out let me him do it unless he gives me the money or tells me I can. It honestly upsets me bc he acts like I'm doing something with the money. Tonight he came inside from smoking and says I'll make u a deal I will let u keep the bank card if u promise to save some money I say eric I don't buy nothing but bills and groceries. And its dropped, then while just now setting in the living room he says let's go on to the grocery now and I say I thought you was gonna let me go Tmro and keep the card and he says no not since your acting like that . And I'm just in shock like how should I feel about this?!