I'm 18 and I've have pretty good skin my whole life with occasional zits. This past year i've gotten more acne and lately i've been getting cystic acne in the same spot for months in a row they go away and a new one forms in the same spot! it's very painful. i've tried everything from black african soap, witch hazel, and mario B. I also eat very well and exercise regularly. I've tried using oils, but now i'm just been using neutragena oil free lotion and Mario B. acne face wash and it's still not helping! i do not see a dermatologist. any recommendations?

UPDATE! i decided to try the DIM supplement before going to a dermatologist and so far it has worked amazing! i've even noticed a change in my mood swings and anxiety. But my cystic acne is almost completely healed in a little over A WEEK!!!!! i'm left with quite a few scars that i hope will fade but i'm so happy with the results! i highly recommend anyone suffering from from cystic acne to try DIM and do your own research before taking it.