New sleep problems?! HELP mamas!!!!

Ashley • 👣SAHM🍼﹏∞wife∞﹏🍷Italian﹏Pisces♓ ﹏🌴BeachBum 🌊﹏

Liam is 16 weeks old today.

From 7 weeks he would sleep from about 10pm- 4 or 5 (eat) and back to sleep til about 8am. Give or take. He'd at least sleep a good 6 hr chunk before waking to eat.


About 1 week ago, We've started moving his bedtime back, as 10pm worked when he was a NB, but he's showing signs that an 8pm bedtime is needed.


In the last 3 nights, he's went to sleep around 9:30. (Moving it slowly)

Then... Wakes up at 1:55am crying (but not always to eat) he will settle easily and back to sleep. I don't even pick him up. Just shh and pat and white noise.

Then, up again around 4 or 5am, to eat. Back to sleep and then up for the day at 7am-8am.

For naps - he goes down about 1-2 hours after waking up. Usually an hour nap.

Then he has a 2 hour afternoon nap.

In the evening he will nap around 5-6, sometimes 20 min. Sometimes 90 min. There's bout 2hours 45 min between last wake up and bedtime.

I know some babies go thru a 4 month sleep regression. But isn't 16 weeks too soon?

Would a growth spurt cause more night wakings? Even tho he's not eating with each waking?

I'm so tired!!!!!

Right before all this started, he slept from 10pm-7am straight.

And he's slept from 9:30pm-6:00am Straight many many nights.

So, its definitely got me confused!

I feel like an extra in the walking dead!

I feel like I should be doing something different, or doing something to help him sleep better

We've done the same routine from 2 weeks on.

Bath, lullabys, massage, PJ's, snuggle up to feed , white noise on, and bed.


Wish I knew what is causing this!

Anyone else go thru it?

Posting in March group too, since those babies are older and may have went thru it already.

Any ADVICE and INSIGHT is VERY Welcomed!!!