
I am so frustrated with my life . I am almost 20 years old and I live with my parents . I literally don't go anywhere but university. I rarely ever ask my parents if I can go out once a blue moon and whenever I do , it's always a no why must my parents always be like this ? I can go wherever I want but out of respect for them I don't do it . Yet my mother doesn't seem to comprehend that and I don't know what to do. It's so annoying . I don't want to rebel against my parents but then again maybe then they will actually appreciate when I use to ask them before going somewhere or whatever . I'm just really angry . I know a lot of you probably won't understand because maybe you're not going through this and you will find that I'm being immature . But at this point I'm just really frustrated and have no one to talk to I just need to vent somewhere before I lose my sanity