he might be cheating on his wife


A few months ago an old friends with benefits texted me. Haven't seen him in over a year. Long story short we were sweet talking and I sent nudes. I thought we were rekindling old flames. We weren't. I went to his facebook account and saw that he's been married. For a while. I got really angry cause I thought I was helping him cheat. I just never texted him again. A month later he texted me again. I asked about his wife and he said he was 'happily seperated' he just can legally divorce easily cause he's in the army. We sweet talked again and I sent nudes again. Today I was thinking of him feeling off about it. I went to facebook again and saw that he deleted it. However I know his 'ex wife's' Facebook. I went to take a look and saw baby pictures. From a month ago. he had a baby. I also see that his "ex wife's" profile picture is still of the two of them. i got really angry. he has a past of sleeping around when with other girls. this wouldn't be the first time he fucked with my emotions. Any and all advice is appreciated.