Patience & The #WaitToPee Concept?!

Jessa • TTC #1! Babydust to All! 💜

Hi all - whilst googling and researching at nauseum about all this amazing pregnancy and TTC journey, I stumbled upon an article/blog post on Made For Mums that explains how we are doing ourselves a disservice by taking Early Pregnancy Tests before our missed periods. They have created the #WaitToPee hashtag and campaign ... I know the first time my wife and I tried with our known donor, I took one of those "6 days before your first period" tests and it was positive, but then miscarried at 6-7 weeks. 😢 I did the same thing again on our 2nd try, but it was negative. So, I decided to wait until my missed period which was 6 days late, I took another test, but a day later had the same horrible discharging mess as when I had miscarried the first time. (sidenote: I am 33 TTC #1 since November 2016 - going on 9 months). Thus, it really makes more sense to wait - I feel like so many of us are getting hopes up too early due to modern technological advancement in the early and accurate pregnancy testing world. So many factors create false positives, false negatives, negatives, and miscarriages within those first crucial weeks. . . So, now I am in the 2 week wait zone, but I am going to wait until my missed period rather than giving in to my impatient and anxious self. 😉 It ain't going to be easy, that's for sure! Ha! . . . What are all of your thoughts on this idea and concept? *BABYDUST WISHED TO ALL OF YOU, btw.* 💜