Only 6 weeks, already getting rude comments


I am so annoyed. My husband and I tried for so long to get pregnant and now I finally am. So yes, I'm STOKED! I'm really excited and I am going to take advantage of this amazing thing I finally get to do. This includes making funny pregnant jokes about myself.

Well the other night I made a joke about not being able to control my emotions or body, it was a funny picture that I'll attach. So I was telling my friends that I would make them some brownies but I may not share because I've been craving them and if I gave them away I may cry. Then I sent them the picture. I'm clearly joking. Was supposed to be funny.

Well the reply was "isn't it a little soon to be claiming you're a hot mess and have no control?!" ... 😒 uhhhh apparently not. The night before I was watching a gender reveal video and busted out crying because I have to wait so long to find out for myself and my husband started laughing in my face. I knew I was being ridiculous but I couldn't control it. I was seriously upset. So no, it's not too early.

Well my friends came over last night and I said I had to go pee AGAIN and another person said "didn't we agree that it was too early for complaining about being pregnant?!" 😡😡😡 my reply was FU.

What is the deal?! Are pregnant women not allowed to act pregnant until they're 7 months or bigger?! I'm so pissed at the reactions I'm getting. Do people really think pregnancy doesn't effect you until you're huge? Ugh. Just needed to share/vent. I don't have any pregnant friends.