I need advice please!



So I'm newly divorced and went on a few dates and they were absolutely awful. Well I met this one guy and we seriously had the best time! We went to a shitty dive bar and laughed the whole night about the people singing karaoke. Then we went to another bar and just talked and flirted the whole night. He asked me if I would be available again and kept telling me that I'm cute. We ended up coming back to my house and started making out and stuff. No sex though lol. But anyways 2am comes around and he says he should go because he has his daughters and they will wake him early. He left and ever since then he has been barley texting me. It was such an amazing date and we laughed the whole time and seemed to really click. Any ideas on what might be going on?

Other details that may be important. He's in the army and Special Forces. He just got back from deployment on Sunday. He has his daughters till the 14th and his parents are in town. He was a shitty texter before we met but it wasn't this bad. Anyways I'm very straight forward and told him this when we first started talking. I don't play games. I texted him today and told him I really like him and would like to see him again. He hasn't answered and it's been like 7 hrs. Could he really just be busy? I feel like if he was going to ghost, he would have done it already.