Holy bloat, Batman! 🤢

Mrs ✨ • Baby #1 due 2/27/18!!!

Hi ladies! I literally just joined this group today, so I figured I'd say Hi! My name is Mae and I'm due with Baby #1 2/27/17. I had my first ultrasound 7/18 and little bean measured 7w4d with a heartbeat of 157 ❤ I'm so anxious for my 12 week ultrasound August 15th for confirmation I'm not a nervous ninny and everything is going alright and according to plan. I'll be 11 weeks in 2 days, but here's my current symptoms & worries: on and off days of serious bloat, like it hurts to stand and sit back down I feel like I'm going to pop! My nausea has gone away, but I never truly experienced morning sickness, just constant nausea throughout the day. I do have food aversions that vary day to day, but man do I crave chicken. Any form of chicken; grilled, fried, wings, strips, I don't care. I became super worried around week 9 that my symptoms dissipated, fearing the worst, but I know that every one and every body is different, and so long as I'm not in pain or bleeding or having serious red flags, I'm not going to stress that seriously. I'm paranoid and still in disbelief that this is all happening! We haven't told ANY of our family yet, but plan to right between 12 and 13 weeks. I'm not scared, but anxious because this is the first grandbaby. No pressure, right?! 😂 Thanks for letting me vent ladies! Any and all announcement recommendations are welcome!! Here's my 7 week ultrasound, feel free to Ramzi me 😅👌