TTC try#4

Elle • 7 years of TTC baby #1 ❤

I have irregular cycles. In the past year they've been more regular but still all over the place. Ranging from 2.5 weeks apart to 3 months apart. I'm currently CD27 and haven't taken any pee tests. My period was really light and only lasted 4 days. I had two days of spotting on CD19 and 20. With having had sex on Cycle Days 8,9 and 13. I've been extra irritable, dizzy and my pelvic area aches. Had a light headache off and on the last few days too. We don't use any contraceptives or fertility aids; all natural for now. I'm not sure if I'm pregnant or when to test.. thinking tomorrow as it's CD28 but my cycle is so irregular I'm not sure. I'm not ever this irritable and I don't ever have this kind of discomfort in my pelvis. But I'm used to headaches and mild dizziness. Please help...