Apply to full time job or do full time school?

Okay so I just want some input... so I am currently 6 weeks and 1 day pregnant and trying to figure out if I should continue to go to school full time and stay on Medicaid or if I should apply for a job ( I know I'll get it since I've worked there about 3 years ago and am still close to the hiring manager) and risk having bad coverage/insurance and drop out of college I can't do both since I have a 16 month old and the job requires overtime during September-February doing 12-14 hour days. So I still want to be able to focus on her but doing both won't leave me any time to spend with her. Plus the classes I have signed up for are morning classes and that's when the job is hiring for. I have 3 1/2 semesters left until I graduate😪 I don't want to have help from the government but I won't qualify for Medicaid if I have a job so I'm trying to figure out the best option. I know it's long and a mess I'm sorry!

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