How shuld I feel?

Morgan • MMJ💁🏽‍♀️. Married💍.

Husband stared working nights last weekend he went up in pay and position. He's been working hard for it in happy if he is with it.. we live on our own, I won't stay home alone by myself. I don't even like being out in the dark so I stay at my moms tell he comes home at 8 in the morning then I get up and go home. Or my sister and brother have stayed with me.. well he's off tonight he slept tell 8pm tonight and then we got up and came to my family's to se them. I haven't felt good today been kinda sick so we was at my moms tell almost 1am.. we came home and he wanted to ride around I told him I didn't want to stay by myself bc for one I don't like bein alone and for two I had took some medicine, well I call my mom and tell her I'm come up while he rides around bc for one I'm sick and I don't. Need to b out and for two I didn't really want to bc I'm tired. Well I tell him that u know he can ride around and ask how Long he's gonna b gone and he says idk y ? And I say I'm gonna go to my moms while u ride around and u can call me when you get bck home or you can come to my moms and we will stay Their. He gets mad bc I'm not gonna stay home while he's out riding around. And I'm like Idc if u ride around go ahead but I'm not staying alone and he tells me that if I'm leaving not to come bck and that I need to grow up and stay by myself bc he likes being by himself and I don't that's what I told him it's not big deal idk why ur mad and what not and he says that I'm acting stupid and like a child and I need to grow up nd if I leave then not to come bck and if I do he's gonna leave ? How shuld I feel about this lol like idek