Pregnant & depressed

I am 25 yrs old 17 weeks pregnant I don't think I want my baby ever since I found out I am having a boy I haven't really been too much excited. Not to mention that my boyfriend & I have been fighting constantly, and I don't even think I love him anymore. I am very depressed, I don't think I'm good for anything. I can't find a nice job.. every job that actually wants to hire me is a job that's very strenuous and/or low pay . I have an associates degree for nothing and I feel like I could get a good job but no one ever wants to give me that opportunity . I just want to give up & . I feel as though I have no purpose on this earth I don't want this baby anymore I feel like I don't have a lot of love for this baby. I don't have any friends to talk to. I barely have any money to get my son school things in which he starts 1st grade in three weeks. My daughter is running out of clothes as well all of her clothes are becoming too small for her. Me doing it all by myself is starting to get me down My boyfriend has been staying with me for about three months he helped me here & there but he also was jobless and he has a $1300 mortgage that he has to pay every month at his place but decides to stay with me so I kicked him out on Sunday so that he can get his life together & find employment. I just wish that I could start my life over & make better choices