I don't know what to do anymore


I can't stand my narcissistic parents anymore. I took my grandmother to the store so that they could have some time to themselves (she's blind and needs assistance) and prepared and cooked steaks for dinner for them. My mother invited my little cousin to sleep over (without letting me know) and got pissed at me because I had to work tomorrow and couldn't watch her. I also got yelled at for having to take a shower in their bathroom (the shower head is broken in my bathroom) and "taking away their evening". I've been clean for 3 months now and I just went and screwed that up. To add salt to the wounds she talked shit about me to my father and little cousin when I was still within earshot. I can't stand this anymore I need to get out but I have no where to go. I hate myself. I can't do anything right in anyone's eyes in this house. No one will ever love me.