

So there is this boy I have known for about 4 years and I have liked him ever since. But at first it didn't work out at all because my mom didnt like the idea of me having a boyfriend....long story. I am from Bulgaria but live in Austria, so im in Bulgaria only on the summer vacation. And when i was back in bulgaria again at the beginning of the summer my friend (who is his cousin) told me that he liked me and even talked about me to her. So I was very excited and was hoping that we could get thogether but I was shy af and he was the first boy I ever really liked. I couldnt even look him in the eye or say a word. And he was cold and also didnt talk to me or look at me (which I know because I was constantly staring at him). So the whole summer i was trying to be seen by him but no sucses. Just when I thought there was no hope left on my last night in Bulgaria he started to give me some attention and when I was back in austria all of that was gone again. But later we started talking and when i thought that this would finally work out he said that if we gonna be a cupple we would have sex. I wasnt ready for that and im still not. I was angry and dissapointed and confused, because it sounded like he only wbanted to be with me because of the sex, which makes no sense becaus I am a virgin and have no experience at all. but this was all in 2015. So summer 2016 something between us started again. And i had my first kiss with him.On the next day was his birthday and guess what he asked about sleeping with me again and saif that i'd be his gift. i said no. but he asked again and again the whole summer. i always said no. and when i was back in austria he got really distanced again. and he also moved to austria because of his parents. and now (summer 2017) we are something again.he promised to not hurt me. But we had a fight maybe two weeks ago and he is very very cold. not writing or calling. i wrote him but he was cold again. all of this makes me feel unwanted and worthless. and i feel stupid for still wanting and liking him after everything. sometimes he so interested and cute but when he decides to be cold hes is doing it very well so it hurts.