Military Doctors

So lately I have been showing some signs of anxiety and possibly depression. I have finally made an appointment with my doctor, but as the day came closer and now that the day is here I am nervous that my military doctor is going to make me feel stupid. Stupid in the sense that I am perfectly fine and need to get over some how. But this anxiety is starting to effect my marriage. When I called to make the appointment, the Airman on the phone was asking me questions that I thought were very personal and I didn't feel comfortable telling. So instead she gave me the "if you don't tell me I can't help you attitude"

I talked to my husband about it, but he doesn't seem all that concerned or maybe he just doesn't care. But it makes me feel like I have no support at all.

I am dreading this appointment today and have even thought about canceling it. I am also afraid that if they give me meds, it will make me gain even more weight and/or I will be advised on to take them if I am trying to get pregnant. What if that is the case? What should I do then? How do I tell my husband that we need to take a break from trying to have a baby (when he has had baby fever since we got married) ?


So I had my appointment and the guy listened to all that I had to say, but it just seemed like a waste of my time and his. At the end of the appointment he says to me "Sorry if I seem so distracted, I have other patients to attend to"

He basically told me everything I already knew, but didn't give me any advice on how to help it or recommend anything I should do. Talk about pointless...