i cant be the only one?!?

Brenna • @hair.bybrenna

so not only am I in a position where idk if I'm pregnant or not but...

I can't be the only one who gets super insecure about other girls.

we went to a store and the girl at the counter had complimented my septum piercing and so she went on saying how she just got her nipples and belly button pierced all of wich were blaintly exposed, she's pointing and bouncing her boobs all while my bf was right next to me like wtf seeking attention much?? well my bf did what he thought he should and just walked away. I wasn't mad at him. I was mad about the fact that this girl was showing herself off to my boyfriend...and I know my boyfriend looks at girls all the time at grocery stores or walking down the street whatever and all guys look.. what pisses me off about that is he tries to hide the fact that he wasn't looking and plays stupid or he will call the girl a skank because she's wearing something exposed??? idk I might be crazy but is every guy like this?