Returning to work. 😭😭


I found out on Monday that I was out of FMLA time. Between the time I had to take off last year for a miscarriage and doctors appointments (that my witch of a supervisor wouldn't let me use my own time for), I only had 6 weeks for maternity. My heart pretty much broke when I found that out because I thought I had until he atleast turned 8 weeks. He will be 7 weeks on Friday. I have one hour (at tbe most) before I have to leave to make it on time.

When my HR told me that, I wanted to punch her. Even more so when she rudely told me that mothers every day go to work after having a baby. I am not ready to leave my boy. He is gonna be with my Mom so I know he is with a trusted person. But he is MY son. His mother should be the one taking care of him. Though I guess me going back to work is taking care of him. My brain knows that but my heart is screaming otherwise.

Since he has been born, I have been separated from him for less than 4 hours. Two of which have been in the hospital.

My poor husband keeps telling me to just quit. That he will get a second job. I love him for that but I won't do that to him.

Damn you America and your lack of care for new parents. Damn you system for always giving to the greedy and taking from the needy. Damn you Oklahoma for expecting a family of 3 to survive off of $12.00 an hour before you will give assistance.