Have you ever gotten back together with an ex?

Had a great boyfriend for nearly a year, but we broke up in May. Split was mutual and amicable: I know I want to have kids, and in January I found out he doesn't want kids. Neither of us wanted to break up, but we were getting serious, and I kept talking about babies (although we were no way near the point of having kids), and wanted to start thinking about moving in together (because we WERE at that point). But I'm 30 (he's nearly 30), and I don't see the point of moving in with someone who doesn't want kids. We were unhappy not living together - it was like limbo. So we broke up.

Now he is seriously considering The Baby Thing. It seems he thought he was a "I definitely don't ever want to have kids" when actually he's a "I don't think I want kids but I haven't really thought about it." The last time we talked he said "I haven't ruled it out." We communicate approximately once a month (via a couple emails, and once we met for coffee) and we've both made some positive changes in our lives since the breakup.

I wish we hadn't broken up. I wish we had given it more time and I wish I hadn't had these ideas about What to Do When Your Boyfriend Doesn't Want Kids. He wants to get back together, but me wishing we hadn't broken up is not the same as wanting to get back together. I'm tempted but also wary. I don't know what my gut is telling me.

Has anybody gotten back together with an ex when the original split was amicable? How did it work out?