Contractions?? Early labor?? HELP!!!😫

Ok so I have already been in l&d about 3 weeks ago for crampy contractions that were causing me to dilate but didnt hurt just felt like mild period cramps I'm dilated to a 2 and 50% effaced as of my 34 week appointment a week ago. I am now 35 + 3 I was never put on bed rest because Dr wasn't super concerned yet so i have kept up my normal daily activities. On Sunday afternoon I started having some super strong menstrual type cramps that lasted from about 3:30 to 10 but went away finally! Monday I went for a walk with my mom and ended up having some lower back pain for a little while but it went away and i didn't have the best night or morning but then felt better. I did stuff around the house last night it took me forever to go to sleep i was super restless I finally fell asleep only to be woke up all of a sudden with this throbbing type pain in my lower back that just kept coming and going it would throb and then sometimes be this constant pain and then go away and my back wouldn't hurt anymore but it went on all night so didn't sleep much no position change would help. I took Tylenol nothing still! Got up and walked around and still nothing took a shower finally at 7:30 this morning and still no change!! when I was laying in bed all night I thought maybe I could feel my abdomen tightening up but my back pain kept taking my focus away so could never really tell and now that I've gotten up and around the last couple hours after having a shower my back is still hurting and i have started to get crampy feeling in rhe front of my uterus and have lots of pain and pressure in my pelvis cervix area.. I'm a first time mom so I'm not sure does this sound like it could be contractions? Start of early labor?? Or just normal aches and pains??