Possible High Risk?

Hey ladies I'm looking for some opinions or input or advice. Anything really. I'm currently 14 weeks pregnant with baby #1. Back in April (before pregnancy) I passed out twice and the doctors couldn't figure out why. They ran A LOT of tests but everything came back normal. Fast forward until about a month ago and I pass out again. The ER docs weren't very concerned or helpful because my sugar was normal, heart was normal, and I didn't have any bleeding. Lately (past 2 weeks) I've been getting awful headaches. Nothing helps. If it's safe for baby then I've tried it. Nothing. They start around lunch and don't go away until I take something to go to sleep (doc approved). 
My OB is concerned about the passing out because it could really hurt me or Jelly Bean if it continues happening. However, there's nothing she can do for me. I am in the military so a military doctor has to decide that I am a high risk pregnancy. There are civilians that also work in this hospital so I'm not guaranteed a military doc. My OB wants me out on a high risk profile but the military doc refuses to sign it. I don't know what to do. The only thing putting me on the profile changes is what I can do for PT and how often I see the doc. I'm so frustrated and scared.