Early contractions

So today I went to the hospital because I was having bad menstrual like pain in my lower abdomen. I ended up being hooked to a machine and little did I know I was having contractions... They gave me two shots that brought my heart rate up and a pill that was supposed to keep my uterus from contracting. checked my cervix at the beginning and I was closed and then they checked it again and I was a one... my stomach still hurts and I'm only 34 weeks... should I go back to the ER or sleep it off?

Update: I went in early this morning around 4 and I was having more contractions. 2-3 minutes apart. Still dilated to a one... they gave me that one shot again, the pill for my uterus to stop contracting and a steroid shot. They sent me home at 6 this morning and I woke up at 9 with more contractions. I'm waiting until my doctors appointment at 1:45 to go in but I'm gonna call them when they are off their lunch break. I already have to go back to the hospital tomorrow morning for another steroid shot. Please keep me and baby boy in your prayers because it looks like he wants to come soon! 😨🙏🏻