6 Weeks Exactly! Feat. Bean (aka Beanie Baby)


I had a follow-up EPAU appointment today, as they suspected an ectopic pregnancy. I was so unbelievably nervous prior to my scan; I've experienced recurring miscarriages and no matter how much I try to prepare myself for the worst, I always hold onto some form of hope and am shattered when things turn out to be not-so-okay.

Initially, they did a normal pelvic ultrasound and could only see the sac, at which point I started worrying. However, after emptying my bladder, a transvaginal ultrasound was performed and BAM.

The bean appeared and we could see a little flutter of a heartbeat (my mama squeaked with joy).

I'm going to be having regular scans from here on out - my next being in two weeks, although I can request for it to be earlier. I just have to hope and pray I make it to the second trimester without too much of a problem and then we'll be a little more at ease.

But otherwise, I was so happy to see the little bean nestled in there safely. Fingers crossed it stays that way!