trying to get a referral

so my main primary physician quit taking my insurance this year. which I found out when I went to my pap appt in January, so I just went and paid for it out of pocket. she said if in 6 months no baby yet I can refer ya. well since she don't cover my insurance anymore she can't refer me to anyone. so in order to even see a fertility specialist I need a referral, which I will need to find a new primary doctor that knows nothing about me. will they just look me over and automatically give referral to see an obgyn?

I am beyond frustrated over all this, bc everyone I call says I need a referral even just to see an obgyn.

and what's the point of having a primary doc if I don't get sick at all and only went to my other doc just to do paps.

anyone have any insight on all of this?

I'm also 31 been ttc for almost 2 years.