Best friend and my lover??


He's my guy best friend we've been good friends for a year and he's liked me for a while I decided to give it a shot and then he's just not showing interest he'd rather be with his friends after he gets down with two a days for football and I get it football keeps you busy but he doesnt txt me he leaves me on open and I've told him I didn't wanna talk twice and the. I ended up telling him I'm sorry and I don't want to end it but I'm dealing with so much emotionally and he doesn't support me through it right now . He said I'd never lose him and he was like crazy about me for the first few days and now no interest. No he's the one with the changed mind he's not sure if he wants this and maybe it's because I've tried to put so much on him I just can't help it we've been friends for a while so jumping into talking all these feelings came rushing and I just hurt from this because I made him wait for me to figure things out and now it's he other way around. I just don't know if I should keep trying please give good advice I really need help with this. What has made me wait so long to figure what I want out is because I'm a senior now and he's a sophomore still had a lot to go through he's also a virgin so i'm scared because he's never experienced a relationship with anyone and neither have I but I've done things.