Not sure what story to put

Not sure what story to put. My pregnancy was a pretty laid back pregnancy. I had no cravings or morning sickness. My swelling was pretty bad,heartburn was consistent and lasted for days at a time. I loved feeling my princess move around in my tummy. I didngo oast my due date, it was kind of frusterating because I wanted to meet my daughter! Labor was crazy. I was induced and I was planning on going natural. I almost made it to natural. But I go to 7 cm dilated and I couldn't handle it anymore. I was screaming for a epidural and the doctor to come in and do it. 😂 when it was time to push I cried so much happy tears and her daddy cut the umbilical chord. She is so beautiful and she has a head full of hair I was so happy to meet her finally and I can't wait to watch her grow. ❤️💕👑🔐