finally latched


baby spent 12 days in nicu and had a UV line in her belly button for 10 of those so couldn't even pick her up. She was on a respirator, then cpap, then the nasal cannula, as well as having a zillion tests done and being on a cooling mattress for 3 days. She was born not breathing and had the cord around her neck and inhaled meconium. when she was finally able to eat she had to be bottle fed my expressed milk because she couldn't be picked up. then she preferred the bottle.once the uv was removed and she could be picked up, every time I tried to get her to latch she would purse her lips together and turn away. and then cry. It was really sad. the lactation consultant told me to try without a nipple shield first but she just wouldn't latch. even if I got it in her mouth she would just sit there. well today I tried a nipple shield and I am just so thrilled because my baby nursed at the breast today for a really long time!!! hopefully once she gets the idea we can go shield free!!